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Call for Proposals

News Archive

Capacity Building For Human & Natural Resource Management

Association of ClubsCommunity Awareness and Mobilization for DevelopmentThe Association of Clubs was awarded an amount of $2,690,000 to use the…

Sustainable Livelihoods

Jamaica Conservation & Development Trust (JCDT)Assessment of the Contribution of Civil Society to the National and Global Agenda for Sustainable…

The Active Participation Of Children

Buff Bay Development Action CommitteeLeadership Training Camp 2002The Leadership Training Camp will make use of qualified personnel from the National…

Report From The Executive Director

Perhaps the most important event in the life of the EFJ during the year 2001/2002 was the conduct of the…

EFJ Appoints New CEO

The EFJ is open.The Board of Directors of the Environmental Foundation of Jamaica announces the appointment of Mrs. Joan Grant-Cummings…

The EFJ 3rd Annual Public Lecture

The following are downloads from The Environmental Foundation of Jamaica (EFJ) 3rd Annual Public Lecture:Public Lecture/Climate Change 2007/EFJ 3rd Annual Lecture-Booklet (5.2…

Expressions Of Interest

The Environmental Foundation of Jamaica (EFJ) and the various non-governmental organizations that receive grant funding from the EFJ require specialist…

The EFJ 2nd Annual Public Lecture

The Environmental Foundation of Jamaica (EFJ) staged its 2nd Annual Public Lecture on October 26, 2006, at the Jamaica Pegasus…

Child Activities

The EFJ has supported Projects within current…

Upcoming Projects

The design and planning phase is almost complete on the following projects:BiodiversityThe Jamaican Biodiversity component will seek to develop a…

Dunn’s River Watershed Management Project – Earth Day Tree Planting Event

The Environmental Foundation of Jamaica (EFJ) in partnership with the Friends of the Sea (FOTS) and the Forestry Department hosted…

EFJ Grant Awards (1 Aug. 2001 – 31 July 2002)

Capacity Building for Human and Natural Resource ManagementSustainable LivelihoodsActive Participation of Children and Youth in the Social and Natural Environment Environmental…

EFJ Grantee: Manning Boy’s Home Handover Ceremony

Construction Resource and Development Company (CRDC) one of the few construction NGOs in Jamaica, received a grant from the Foundation…

EFJ Grantee: CCLFMC Flagstaff Heritage Tours Visitor Center Handover Ceremony

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) - Protected Areas and Rural Enterprise (PARE) Project, in partnership with the…

EFJ 5th Annual Public Lecture

EFJ is pleased to announce the 5th Annual Public Lecture to be held in association with the Jamaica Conservation and…

EFJ In The News-September 2009

The UWI Notebook featured EFJ-funded research in the article "UWI researchers discover unique mangrove species" http://mobile.jamaica-gleaner.com/20090823/arts/arts5.php The Clarendon Peace and Justice Centre…

EFJ Grantee: Sir Arthur Lewis Institute For Economic And Social Studies

The Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES), UWI presents to 4th Annual Caribbean Child Research Conference - Promoting Child…

EFJ 5th Annual Public Lecture

The Environmental Foundation of Jamaica hosted the 5th Annual Public Lecture on October 22nd, 2009. The Lecture was given by Dr. Elizabeth…

RedLAC Interviews EFJ Programme Manager, Karen McDonald Gayle

RedLAC the first international network of environmental funds to which EFJ is a member interviewed our Programme Manager, Karen McDonald Gayle…

Jamaica Institute Of Environmental Professionals Speaker’s Forum

The Jamaica Institute of Environmental Professionals will be hosting a Speaker's Forum on Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs), which will be held on…

Roving Caregivers Programme Showcase

The Rural Family Support Organisation (RUFAMSO) and the Caribbean Child Support Initiative (CCSI) will be launching the Roving Caregivers Programme (RCP)…

News From Grantees And Members- October 2009

AOC Occupational Therapy Workshop for Children with DisabilitiesWorking with young children and adolescents over the years Association of Clubs (AOC) based…

EFJ 16th Annual General Meeting

The 16th Annual General Meeting of the Environmental Foundation of Jamaica was held on Wednesday, December 2, 2009.EFJ members, grantees, Board…

News From Grantees And Members- November 2009

Fletcher's Grove/Mount Pelier Circuit of Baptist Church The Fletcher's Grove/Mount Pelier Circuit of Baptist Churches in Sandy Bay, Hanover (coastal community)…

EFJ Sends Three NGOs To Copenhagen Conference

The EFJ has provided grant funding to three local civil society organizations (also EFJ grantees) to attend the COP15 United Nations Climate Change…

Related Media News- November 2009

World Bank approves US$16M loan to support Education Reform www.jamaicaobserver.com/results/164457_US-16-m-World-Bank-loan-to-support-education-reformPoor, broken and missing- Majority of children missing since the start of the…

EFJ Out And About- November 2009

The Foundation took part in a number of events during the month of November 2009. These included:Forestry Department's 7th Annual…

Related Media News- December 2009

Climate Change reports and facts (local & overseas) COP15-Copenhagen http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/Chief-scientist-urges-inking-of-global-climate-dealhttp://www.jamaicaobserver.com/enviroment/Jamaica-wants-developed-countries-reduce-GHG-emissionshttp://www.jamaicaobserver.com/enviroment/panos-climate-dec-11 http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/enviroment/Shaggy-climate-change Climate summit personal for Nepalese delegatehttp://edition.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/europe/12/17/copenhagen.forest.nepal.conservation/index.html http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/business/Climate-change-will-cost-137--of-current-GDP-in-the-Caribbean-by-2100 Leaders must strike deal -Obamahttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8420714.stm Climate change glossaryhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8314171.stm Jamaica's Clifford Mahlung to…


 ENVIRONMENTAL FOUNDATION OF JAMAICA CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2010The EFJ Call for Proposals for 2010 will open February 7th, 2010 and will run for 9…

Hear The Children’s Cry

The Hear the Children's Cry newsletter 'Children's Voice' highlights the plight of missing Children in Jamaica, of which 147 went missing in January alone. In…

EFJ’s New Role As SGP National Hosting Institution

The EFJ Board and Staff are pleased to welcome to the Foundation Family, the GEF Small Grants Programme for Jamaica. The…


Earth Day was observed worldwide on April 22, 2010, and to mark the 40th year of its observation the Environmental Foundation of Jamaica…

Related Media News- May 2010

Nature loss 'to damage economies'http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science_and_environment/10103179.stm May Newsletter of the Caribbean Support InitiativeIn this issue:Home Visiting - A Social Service ProvisionResearch Points…

US Embassy Call For Proposals- 2010 AVON Award For Elimination Of Gender Based Violence

The objective of the 2010 AVON Award for Elimination of Gender-Based Violence is to identify an effective project to reduce or prevent…

UWI Climate Change Lecture Series

In another series of climate talks presented by the Department of Physics and the Department of Geology and Geography, UWI,…

News From Grantees And Members- September-October 2010

Jeffrey Town Farmers' Association(JFTA)In this Jamaica Gleaner news article (see link below), JFTA talks about their JET FM 88.7 radio…

The Fulbright-Humphrey Speaker Series

The Jamaica Fulbright-Humphrey Alumni Association(JFHAA) in association with the Public Affairs Section of the US Embassy, presents the Fulbright Humphrey Speaker…

SALISES Caribbean Child Research Conference 2010

The Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies will be hosting the 6th Annual Caribbean Child Research Conference…

EFJ Out And About October-November 2010

The CARIBSAVE Partnership has been commissioned by the Travel Foundation to undertake a programme of activities in support of the newly established…

UNDP GEF Small Grants Programme Call For Concept Papers

The GEF Small Grants Programme in Jamaica announces a CALL for project concepts from NGOs, CBOs for projects in the…

The Numbers Man – Barrington Lewis

Jamaica Observer's showcase of distinguished Jamaicans who have made notable strides in their work this past year featured EFJ Finance Manager,…

Related Media News- October- November 2010

Beaches Negril earns Blue Flag certification for eco-friendliness from EFJ Grantee NEPT - Jamaica ObserverBEACHES Negril Resort and Spa has earned…

News From Grantees And Members January – March 2011

Jamaica Environment Trust (JET)EFJ member and grantee share the first issue of their annual Jetter newsletter highlighting activities and achievements…

5th Annual JIEP Conference Call For Papers

FINAL call for abstracts for the 5th Bienneial Conference.  The deadline has been extended to Friday, February 25th, 2011. Please see flyer or information…

EFJ Out And About January-March 2011

EFJ hosted three islandwide Proposal Writing Workshops in Kingston, Manchester, and St. James in the month of March. EFJ project staff was…

UTech’s Faculty Of Science And Sport Receives Grants To Research Endemic Jamaican Plants

EFJ grantee, Faculty of Science and Support, the University of Technology through the efforts of Dr. Andrew Lamm was recognized by the…

5th Biennial JIEP Conference Registration Now Ope

Please be reminded that registration for our 5th Biennial Conference on the Environment is now available!! JIEP Conference will be…

UDC 5th Annual Environmental Expo

EFJ participated in the UrbanDevelopment…


In recognition of World Environment Week June 4th-1th 2011, stakeholders in Jamaica have planned a number of activities to take…

News From Grantees And Members April-June 2011

Jamaica Conservation and Development Trust(JCDT)JCDT hosted Green Expo 2011 for three days, June 10-12, 2011. This years event featured not only the…

Other Documents

Fund Projects

Recent Grants Awarded

Criteria for Proposals


Manage Funds


How It Works

Why Choose the EFJ



Articles Of Association

Articles Of Incorporation - Merged EFJ/JPAT/FCF

Enterprise Of The Americas Initiative Agreement

Memorandum Of Association

Mission & Vision Statements
Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan

1B Norwood Avenue, Kingston 5, Jamaica, WI
Opening Hours: Mon - Fri, 8:30am - 4:30pm

Tel: (876) 960-6744, 960-7954, 960-3224, 960-7125
Fax: (876) 920-8999
Email: support@efj.org.jm


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